How to build a rabbit cage. finding the right rabbit cage wire. chicken wire isn’t strong enough to house rabbits. neither is hardware cloth.. Ya you can. my rabbit currently lives outside in a cage with a wood frame and chicken wire walls. make sure you do nececary research on housing requirments. Diy wire rabbit cages and equipment rabbit hutch plans this would also make a decent coop for 2 or 3 birds just by putting a walkway underneath and chicken wire.
★ rabbit cage chicken wire ★ how to build a chicken coop from scratch for very little money., easy for anyone to build. chicken houses and chicken pens available. How to build an outdoor rabbit cage. does your rabbit need a nice space to live in outdoors? make sure that the wire cage is secure and fits correctly. 4.. Wire mesh for rabbit hutches & runs. the wire on your rabbit's hutch or run may be the only thing between it and attack from a fox or cat, chicken wire (or.